pretty much everything. i've always wanted to make a digital library for all the things i enjoy and plan on coming back someday. also, sharing those things somewhere might make me feel like life isn't that much solitary. it's just an archive, really.
i'm an avid bts fan, currently an undergraduate on university suffering through my diploma.
i'm into bts, language learning, photographies, personal journaling, learning new stuff. i'm a nerd, so this website might come off a bit too geeky sometime soon...
i started this project because twitter was banned from my country and once it got restored, i didn't feel like returning anymore. also, i always wanted to store the things i enjoy the most in a easy place,,, having
i'm a sope biased bts ficwriter, my fics often revolve around sope but i plan on doing other works in the future. all my works can be found on the fics subpage.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nisl est, consequat quis nibh id, vestibulum rutrum leo. Nam dapibus imperdiet mollis. Morbi convallis dapibus libero, scelerisque mollis turpis dignissim eget. Nunc ante risus, euismod quis aliquam vitae, volutpat nec justo. Mauris sit amet molestie enim. Proin mollis porttitor tortor. Morbi at nibh est. Suspendisse ac quam in nibh posuere maximus et ut augue. Integer volutpat nisl nec libero vestibulum, ac consectetur quam lobortis. Curabitur sagittis ut diam non vestibulum. Suspendisse et mi ut lectus hendrerit interdum sit amet ac dui. Cras tortor ex, egestas quis nulla ac, suscipit venenatis odio. Mauris faucibus nec diam nec consectetur. Nulla blandit tellus risus, sed congue arcu mollis id. Fusce sit amet ullamcorper mauris. Curabitur varius tincidunt congue.